I did promised to get back to you after the weekend. Thank God, I still have great access to internet. Though unpredictable, we've had connection here almost every day or every other day.
We had a great weekend; watched a movie and more pictures, few singing with drums.
Sunday morning, I was up at 6:00AM and tried to help get everybody ready for the day: a morning prayer service at 9:00AM, some little shopping and few meetings. I really put them under pressure with my American notion of time. By the way, when I am in US, I am often African with time. When I am in Africa, I really struggle to be African because I try to stick to the American way (hit and run, drive tru, etc.).
Anyway, I managed to get all the kids and few staff to the Church we had planned to attend. I had to make two trips within a distance of 10 miles one way. The older kids had to curry the younger ones on their laps for more room; this helped us make two trips instead of four.
When we got there, the first prayer service was still going on and we had to wait somewhere for 45 minutes. Instead of 9:00Am, we started our service 45 minutes after 9:00Am, African time!!
We had good time any way, and went back. We had to drive to the main city for fuel since we were running low. This was a big blessing to the kids; a long ride to the city, bingo! We drove and everybody was trying to look around and enjoy the buildings, people, the airport and others.
Four kids were asked to refrain from going to Church because they were sick. I tell you these little fellows were miserable and most of them cried. We thought we were done with chicken pox, but just got new cases. Three kids are sick since last Saturday and we are aggressively trying to go ahead of this px with antibiotics.
Betty is the young and bright face you see here in the picture; she came back to us after spending few months of intensive care at a local hospital by nuns. She was having tuberculosis and was extremely malnurished. She is looking so much better than before, but still battling Tuberculosis with a long term treatment and it is working well so far. Sunday, she got quite sick and was throwing up a lot. She wanted so bad to be held (she is so much in need of affection); lost her mother when she was still a baby. She was given some special attention, was fed, held and talked to. She asked me to pray for her and I did right there with some other kids who joined me. Within few hours, betty's fever was gone and she was doing better. Betty is one of the fascinating stories we have around here. She is cute, funny and can get away very well with her techniques for affection; needs a mother's warmth a lot.
We had some games, boys dressed up like soldiers or police and I had to stay away from being an army commander or chief of police. Enjoy the blog and let us know how you all are doing and what we can do for you in this end.
We are still working very hard on water problem, 4th grade, desks and nurse office/station. Will be sorting out some few items from the container stock tomorrow.
Keep the prayers and best wishes going up for us here! TO KO ZONGA....find out what it means or ask Paul and Doug!
It is wonderful to see the children having fun, playing dress up. Glad you got to watch a movie, We'll have to get you more kids videos apparently. Sorry to hear the chicken pox are still around. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers as well as little Betty, she has such a sweet beautiful face, please give her a hug from mama Barbara and let her know we will be praying for her to be well soon. I look forward to getting more news and pictures and appreciate all you are doing there. Love, mama S
I recognize some of the faces in the dress up picture, but can't believe how much they have grown since we were there last. Joel especially looks so big!! It is great to know that they are eating well and growing! Give lots of love! From Mama Elisabeth
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