Greetings from Congo!
Fr. Gabe is doing fine and staying very busy, stressed up, frustrated now and then; public transportation is a headache and big risk; being pushed and kicked while trying to board a bus or a taxi, time consuming, a lot of fume and dust in the air; but also joyful and fulfilled especially when he says his prayers and stays focused, when he thinks of the children and you. Two reasons he gives: very tough living conditions here and trying to achieve a lot within this few days. However, do not worry about him; just pray and stay tuned. And it will not be the case when you come for a visit because we will have a vehicle for transportation and you’ll spend most of your time away from fume and dust; nobody will push or kick you unless you elect to go for an experience among the common people, the poor who wrestle every single day for a living; Fr. Gabe has a strong devotion for the poor and can handle it just like one of them. One of his favorite Scripture passage is Phil. 4:11-13.
Able to go online, thank God! It also works as stress release tool. Chicken pox got the best among the kids and most of them have recovered from; our nurse is a hero; just with very basic means, she got all of them out of it; some of the drugs are those we brought last year. You heard the stories of two older kids who got sick because they courageously offered to watch over those who were sick and in isolation; they attended to their needs and everybody here was moved by the heroic love these two showed to their younger brothers and sisters.
Fr. Gabe’s presence is a joy here; knowing that you are there for them is even more joy and hope. Holding lots of meetings for evaluation, training and building them all into one family, children and staff. Biggest needs and tasks: the school/4th grade/more desks, expansion of the water thank, more beds and basic furniture, a playground, nurse station/dispensary, and more. We are working on, but funds might not be enough since we have to always make sure there is something for food and medical needs.
We definitely need some big money to get to the next level, especially with school, water, furniture, medical clinic or at least the dispensary; trusting in the Good Lord we all love and serve.
You will not believe it, Fr. Gabe projected last year pictures and pictures of friends like you, pictures of USA; it was a joy, a celebration and a great movie time. They were screaming and naming all those who visited last year, blowing kisses (Congo way); we had tears in our eyes; a laptop and a projector, a real movie theater, never seen before!
Since Fr. Gabe got here a week ago, he has ran into some exciting stories to tell; warmly welcome by the kids and the entire Community; songs and drums were so beautiful. They love to sing and we hope to teach them two English songs this coming week.
The next day after first visit, a very long staff meeting and evening meal got delayed. A boy softly let us know that he felt like eating the house roof. Fr. Gabe felt so guilty that he went to the kitchen for quick serving. By the way, they often have two meals a day; now and then we try three meals, but the budget is not strong enough for three meals.
Available clean water is our daily worry until fixed; not enough! Fr. Gabe went shopping last Saturday; bought a cassette/CD player, two big water containers and one drinking water “reservoir” he plans to re-engineer for quick access to drinking water; wait and see his engineering skills; also bought some door locks. It is really “fun” shopping here; come and find out!
Last Sunday, we had a very nice prayer service. Before that, Fr. Gabe took around 15 kids for a ride as he was looking for some prayer materials for the day. It was jubilation for those who were selected and real mourning for those who were not; you know, they don’t go out that much and always long for a chance to see “outside”; we can’t afford frequent outings/field trips; we are trying to work on this and actually trying to come up with a program that will help us sponsor activities like outings, field trips, picnics, weekends at families.
After prayer, we had a meeting with some parents and legal guardians who were invited; all of them were either grandmas or mothers. We had a nice meeting and they left after visiting with the kids. Some kids of course have nobody at all to come for them; we try our best to keep them less troubled.
My family is doing fine and sending warm greetings. Keep us all in your prayers!
Let me keep something for tomorrow or the next days. Stay with us for more…
Fr. Gabe is doing fine and staying very busy, stressed up, frustrated now and then; public transportation is a headache and big risk; being pushed and kicked while trying to board a bus or a taxi, time consuming, a lot of fume and dust in the air; but also joyful and fulfilled especially when he says his prayers and stays focused, when he thinks of the children and you. Two reasons he gives: very tough living conditions here and trying to achieve a lot within this few days. However, do not worry about him; just pray and stay tuned. And it will not be the case when you come for a visit because we will have a vehicle for transportation and you’ll spend most of your time away from fume and dust; nobody will push or kick you unless you elect to go for an experience among the common people, the poor who wrestle every single day for a living; Fr. Gabe has a strong devotion for the poor and can handle it just like one of them. One of his favorite Scripture passage is Phil. 4:11-13.
Able to go online, thank God! It also works as stress release tool. Chicken pox got the best among the kids and most of them have recovered from; our nurse is a hero; just with very basic means, she got all of them out of it; some of the drugs are those we brought last year. You heard the stories of two older kids who got sick because they courageously offered to watch over those who were sick and in isolation; they attended to their needs and everybody here was moved by the heroic love these two showed to their younger brothers and sisters.
Fr. Gabe’s presence is a joy here; knowing that you are there for them is even more joy and hope. Holding lots of meetings for evaluation, training and building them all into one family, children and staff. Biggest needs and tasks: the school/4th grade/more desks, expansion of the water thank, more beds and basic furniture, a playground, nurse station/dispensary, and more. We are working on, but funds might not be enough since we have to always make sure there is something for food and medical needs.
We definitely need some big money to get to the next level, especially with school, water, furniture, medical clinic or at least the dispensary; trusting in the Good Lord we all love and serve.
You will not believe it, Fr. Gabe projected last year pictures and pictures of friends like you, pictures of USA; it was a joy, a celebration and a great movie time. They were screaming and naming all those who visited last year, blowing kisses (Congo way); we had tears in our eyes; a laptop and a projector, a real movie theater, never seen before!
Since Fr. Gabe got here a week ago, he has ran into some exciting stories to tell; warmly welcome by the kids and the entire Community; songs and drums were so beautiful. They love to sing and we hope to teach them two English songs this coming week.
The next day after first visit, a very long staff meeting and evening meal got delayed. A boy softly let us know that he felt like eating the house roof. Fr. Gabe felt so guilty that he went to the kitchen for quick serving. By the way, they often have two meals a day; now and then we try three meals, but the budget is not strong enough for three meals.
Available clean water is our daily worry until fixed; not enough! Fr. Gabe went shopping last Saturday; bought a cassette/CD player, two big water containers and one drinking water “reservoir” he plans to re-engineer for quick access to drinking water; wait and see his engineering skills; also bought some door locks. It is really “fun” shopping here; come and find out!
Last Sunday, we had a very nice prayer service. Before that, Fr. Gabe took around 15 kids for a ride as he was looking for some prayer materials for the day. It was jubilation for those who were selected and real mourning for those who were not; you know, they don’t go out that much and always long for a chance to see “outside”; we can’t afford frequent outings/field trips; we are trying to work on this and actually trying to come up with a program that will help us sponsor activities like outings, field trips, picnics, weekends at families.
After prayer, we had a meeting with some parents and legal guardians who were invited; all of them were either grandmas or mothers. We had a nice meeting and they left after visiting with the kids. Some kids of course have nobody at all to come for them; we try our best to keep them less troubled.
My family is doing fine and sending warm greetings. Keep us all in your prayers!
Let me keep something for tomorrow or the next days. Stay with us for more…
Hello thi is Mama Elisabeth! So good to hear all this news in Congo again! It has been too long! Corrinne and Elivia and I were talking this morning on our drive to school about how much we miss all the kids! We can not wait until April!!
Sad to hear that the water system is not enough, but glad you are working on the problem, Gabi! I am interested to see your engineering job when we get there :)
Pleaes give each of the kids special love from Mama Elisabeth!
Also tell father Emory and your family we said hello! I am looking forward to seeing all of them in April as well.
Looking forward to your next blog!! Keep them coming!
Hello it is the Compton's! We think of you on your trip and pray for a successful and fruitful trip and a safe return! Love reading all of the updates. It keeps us in touch with all the efforts for the orphanage.
Jaime, Harold, and Christian Compton
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