First off…guess what we had for dinner? Yes, the fish although I believe that they started to realize that most weren’t touching it so they prepared chicken as well. We also had the tradition cassava plant tonight. Most eat the leaves as a kind of green, but the root is a starch similar to potatoes. They make a flour from the roots of the cassava plant and then use it to prepare a kind of very thick porridge. It was very good.
I have so much that I could write, but I’m wasted and it would go on for hours if I tried to cover everything. I know some of you are looking for more pictures and tonight’s internet connection is better so I’m going to try. Unfortunately Molly, YouTube videos probably won’t happen.
The reception at the orphanage was amazing. The kids had prepared a series of special songs and dances and they even got us doing it – Ashton bravely stepped up, danced, and sung his name in the traditional Lingali dialect…as then did we all.
I have so much that I could write, but I’m wasted and it would go on for hours if I tried to cover everything. I know some of you are looking for more pictures and tonight’s internet connection is better so I’m going to try. Unfortunately Molly, YouTube videos probably won’t happen.
The reception at the orphanage was amazing. The kids had prepared a series of special songs and dances and they even got us doing it – Ashton bravely stepped up, danced, and sung his name in the traditional Lingali dialect…as then did we all.
Most of the kids speak only Lingali while the educated citizens speak both French and Lingali.
The orphanage has grown already from when Father Gabriel (Gabi) was here last. It is good to see the new facilities under construction in order to house more kids once more regular funds are pledged.
We brought one suitcase with us that had all of the toys and candy in it. The kids thoroughly enjoyed it and would spontaneously break out in song and dance while waiting for their goodies.
One of the younger girls (I’ll guess around 10) wanted to ask a question, and rather than a question, she had a request. She asked if we could manage to provide a desk and chair so she could get more serious about her studies. Wow. No shoe request or ipod request…a desk and a chair. We’re going to work on that for her.
We also got a complete tour of the 14 acre orphanage and managed to visit the river in the process which the locals use for bathing and drinking water.
The villagers there were somewhat entranced and it soon turned into a performance or show in which they mimicked anything that the kids (including Zach) would do. We had a blast and the kids didn’t even notice that they were naked.
So we’re back at the city mission where we’re staying and last night we had a mono-temp shower that kind of dribbled water. Tonight, the city water supply isn’t quite providing enough pressure to push the water to a 6 foot high shower head, so we marched to the mission spigot to fill the 5 gallon buckets we had been provided. So instead of a shower or bath…we had a bucket. Worked out fine though. We’re clean and ready for bed.

Thanks for the pictures! They are beautiful children! Wish we were there to experience it! We should have just gone. The lives you are touching!
Ash, Rin, Chrish and Livy were naked?!?! and did not realize it??? Just kidding :-)
You will have to teach us the songs and dances you are learning!
Love you all...
I am thrilled with your every update and can't wait for the next one. The children are adorable and I'm glad they did not notice that my grandchildren were naked.haha, I wish I could send a desk and chair right now. What do you need a shower for?just dump the bucket over your head.ACCE, I love you, your so lucky to be there, treasure every moment. LOL
On the shower, get a piece of hose, preferred small in diameter then the main water line and attached it to the lower water supply, you may get enough pressure to shower, let me know if it works. Love the pictures.Dad S
So excited to hear everything as you go. You are all in our prayers. The Chapmans
God Bless all that you are doing for these children. I know the Holy Spirit is with all of you. Thanks so much for the pictures and blogs. It is nice to hear what wonderful, funny and great time you are all having.
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