Today we did not go to the orphanage; instead we had a meeting this morning to decide which projects we should tackle. We decided to paint the new dormitory, both in and out, and run the electric wiring. Zach is going to do a mural for us to paint as well.
We didn’t have a ton of time left so Gabi (Father Gabriel) decided to take us to the church that his sister is getting married in on Sat. It rained a ton last night and the roads were especially bad as most of the trash piles had turned to mud. Luckily we were riding in a 4WD Land Cruiser and were able to make it through, but we did have some difficulty in spots.
The church is embedded in one of the poorest sections of Limete and seeing a jeep full of white people turned out to be something. They treated us as celebrities along with reaching in the jeep to touch us and talk to us. Most were commenting about the car full of Chinese people as they had not seen many people of light skin. There is a significant population of Chinese here that are doing business and Gabi says all light skinned people look alike to the Congolese (Love the irony). There was one lady that got it right and said “look at the whites on holiday.” School had just gotten out as we approached the church and a lot of kids were being drawn to us.
On arrival a young man came up to the van and saw that Julius (one of the passionists) was riding in the back and said that he was happy to see whites and black together as we are all brothers.
We toured the church – it was very nice. We heard an amazing choir, with only a set of African drums for instruments, practicing for the weekend. I’m looking forward to hearing them on Sat. for the wedding.
As we were getting ready to go, a lot of the school kids had filtered into the parish through the gate and were beginning to gather around. Doug, Christian, Zach, and Shannin started dancing for the kids and then Christian decided to take a picture with a flash. As innocent as that sounds it sent everyone into an uproar. We noticed that flash photography is a very new experience for most Africans and they got very excited at seeing it.

Some of the adults promptly tried to calm everyone down and shoo the kids away. As we were leaving we were mobbed by little kids. The road was terrible in this area and it prevented us from going anywhere quickly. The kids were so close to the jeep we were afraid that someone might get hurt. We thought they were singing us a beautiful song until Julius told us they were chanting the name of a white vegetable. Gabi and Julius got out to walk alongside the jeep to keep the kids off of it. Gabi thinks we should walk in next time as it will draw less attention.
We’re glad to be back at the mission. Here’s a pic of Zach taking his bucket - white vegetable fits doesn't it?
And yes, we had fish for dinner. Paul’s getting a little tired of taking one for the team as he’s getting tired of eating the fish.
Wow, fish I can see that getting old. It is nice to see people come together and that usually only happens when people have God in there hearts. I know all of your efforts, including the fish and bucket bathes are well worth what you are all doing for those children and even the adults.
Another great day, I am having such fun reading the news. Zach fits in the bucket very nicely. I guess you won't be wanting fish anytime soon when you get back. I was going to have fish tacos tonight in your honor. Keep the news & pics coming(I almost feel I'm there) Love you all, moms
Oh, forgot to mention, make sure you give a wedding gift to the bride & groom. lol
Great reading...I wait and check frequently! Zach, love that bucket and if you only have fish to eat you will fit even better after two weeks! Dancing in the streets, being mobbed, brothers and sisters from two worlds coming together. Bless you all & much love from home, Momp...hug my grandchildren & tell them how proud we are of them & all of you.
I am sure as you look into the eyes of the children it must make you all feel so proud and honored to be there helping them! What a great joy! I rush home everyday to see what you all have been up to! Thank you for sharing your experience with us! Did Beth not get sick from drinking from the faucet?
Kendra,Tim,Cole and Drew
We all sit around and read you diary every day. I check it frequently from work and as soon as I get home, the children ask "anything new?"
After a week of fish (or lack of eating) you all could fit into the bucket together, have paul and doug charge up some "bubbles" for you, close your eyes and are at home in your hot tub!
Shan, good thing it is not the beginning of summer, where you would be as dark as the children, they would mistake you for one of them and keep you for their wife.
Keep the news coming. Thank you so much!
How is Beth? We don't hear much about Livy or Corrinne. Have they been promised as someone's wife? We know how Livy likes the boys....
Thank you so much for posting blogs everyday. I feel like I am actually there with you guys. Everyday I look forward to coming home and reading your blogs! It makes my day so much better! I am telling so many people at school all the great things you are doing up there and I keep my friends posted also. I think it is great that God called all of you to do his work like this. I can't wait for tomorrows blog! I miss you all! Keep safe! I love you!!
It is good to hear all is well! It must be an life changing experience being able to help these children.
Being able to see the happiness you bring to these children!!!
To see them smile after all they may have been through! =]!!! Maybe people should rotate in "Taking One For The Team" Just an idea....
Well Goodluck and Godbless you all! 0=]
OK,OK Zack, so they say your taking a bucket bath, so can you please explain the little brown pellets all around you????
love the updates.
Sounds awesome.
Is the violence going on in the east affecting anything close to your area?
Enjoy your day--beware, those children might preach the gospel to you!
Hi guys, I notice it has been almost 24 hours and no updates . . . Shame on you!
Well I would like to say Happy Halloween to you all. We are getting ready to celebrate. This year, we are all going to dress up as a white vegetable. I am thinking cauliflower?
Although, Nicole seems to think we do not have to dress up. We are already white vegetables.
Well, I'm waiting and waiting....I've been on twice now and there's nothing but old news. I'm getting bored, already read the info and commments a couple of times. I miss you, I need more blogs, pleasssse, I'm going into withdrawals. LOL moms
Glad everything is going GREAT there! Were praying for you guys everyday. P.s... Peyton pooh is just about to crawl. He is getting up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth.
love ya, terah
Zach, 24 yrs ago you would have fit in the bucket just fine, but now - not so good. Happy, Happy Birthday son; since it is now Nov. 1 over their and we are still getting Trick or Treaters here. The cake is waiting; just Fish for you - yum!! Sounds like all is going well - the wedding should be a great cultural event. Hi to everyone!!
Love and Prayers, Vicki
Since we have not heard from Shannin and the gang, all of us here could just blog each other to keep us busy!
I will go I had an awesome day. I met with a few students, checked blog, did some counseling, checked blog, had to "take a child down", came home,checked blog, took Ale' to a party, took Adrian to a friends to go trick-or-treating, came home, checked the blog, still nothing new on the blog...Created my own blog. Oh, I forgot to add, for breakfast I had Starbucks, lunch was a sub from Publix, dinner so far has been candy... Nothing white and definately no fish.
Ok so my day is not as exciting as their day in Africa, just thought I would share since everyone wanted something to read :-)
Howdy, I am praying for you guys everyday. I am reading in the paper about trouble in the Congo, is that far from where you are? Don't forget to take a picture with the special shoes. love you.
dickie and family
No news so I will share the latest...Per Terah - Last night Luigi dressed as a rooster, Lily - a pig, and Peyton - a lion. I fly back home in the morning..GG sends love & blessings as do the rest of us here in the chilly North. Where's the latest news!! Be safe & we are waiting...Love you, momp
I guess they've finally given you hard labor since we have'nt had any news. We're all waiting in anticipation for the latest update. Happy Birthday Zack, it's official here. Maybe you can have a fishcake. I am enjoying reading everyone else' mess. as well. Have fun at the wedding today. May you all have a blessed day.We love you all, moms
Happy Sabbath! I'm just sitting here, reading the blog and it brings me to the happiest tears to know that my friends are helping these precious children. God has truly blessed this mission and I just want you to know that I pray for you Every day. I hope today is a restful, peaceful, and beautiful day there. Our family misses you guys and as much as we're happy to see all that you're doing, we can't wait to have you back. Thank you for keeping in touch with all of us. We love you!
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