Fr. Gabe wanted to make use of the vehicle today in terms transporting few boxes and other items from the container pile. He managed to load one medical examination bed and a water container of 500Lt. we bought yesterday.
When we got to the orphanage, we were told that two sisters, 7 and 10 were dropped by a stranger and advised to come to us; Miriam and Wivine are their names. They looked exhausted, hungry and really lost. We took them in first thing, a bath and meal. So far we have only heard from them. Looks like their step mother abandoned them recently after their mother and father passed away few years ago. They were left to fend for themselves and had to turn to the streets. A good Samaritan directed them to us after they have been going round and round. Miriam and Wivine were most likely going to be abused, accused of witchcraft and eventually crashed down as children. We rescued one girl few months ago after she was dumped by a relative. I will not mention the name of this one, a 10 year old girl. She went to a police station to ask for help and she was raped by two police officers. She is still being treated for related infections and trauma. Our hearts go out to these innocent girls and boys. Overwhelming, painful, we have to say no to some cases and we keep receiving alarming requests.
Fr. Gabe was also able to complete his engineering project for drinking water and some more water tanks.Talk to you soon again! Blessings!
When we got to the orphanage, we were told that two sisters, 7 and 10 were dropped by a stranger and advised to come to us; Miriam and Wivine are their names. They looked exhausted, hungry and really lost. We took them in first thing, a bath and meal. So far we have only heard from them. Looks like their step mother abandoned them recently after their mother and father passed away few years ago. They were left to fend for themselves and had to turn to the streets. A good Samaritan directed them to us after they have been going round and round. Miriam and Wivine were most likely going to be abused, accused of witchcraft and eventually crashed down as children. We rescued one girl few months ago after she was dumped by a relative. I will not mention the name of this one, a 10 year old girl. She went to a police station to ask for help and she was raped by two police officers. She is still being treated for related infections and trauma. Our hearts go out to these innocent girls and boys. Overwhelming, painful, we have to say no to some cases and we keep receiving alarming requests.
Fr. Gabe was also able to complete his engineering project for drinking water and some more water tanks.Talk to you soon again! Blessings!
We also spent a very busy day transporting desks and beds from the bridge to the orphanage since the bridge is stiiiiilllll under construction.
Let us hear from you too! Blessings!
Oh how my heart and soul aches for my children. I feel like I should be there. April cannot come soon enough. I cannot wait to meet the new members of our family! Tell them how much we love them and how hard we are working to provide a Future and a Hope for them.
Gabi,You are continually in our prayers. We miss you. Praying God fills you with His peace and strength.
We love you,
The Pickle Family
(Papa Paul, Mama Shannin, Yaya Ashton & Yaya Corrinne)
I am in tears this morning! My heart is just heavy and sad for all these sweet children have had to endure! I can not wait to see them and hold them again!! Please give them lots of love from all of us!
We were excited to see the new beds and desks being carried in. That must have been a big job carrying them all that way! They are such hard workers!
God Bless you in your last few days there!
Remember to go back and check previous entries for new comments!!
Love to all,
mama Elisabeth and yaya Olive (Elivia)
So great to see your doing the blog. Please give my love to all the children from Papa Douglas and give my warmest reguards to the Fathers.
Love , Doug
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