MERCY FOR CHILDREN INC PO BOX 2124 LAKELAND, FL 33806-2124 (352) 895-2800
www.mercyforchildren.org AUGUST 2010
Dear Parents and Friends of Mercy for Children, Inc.:
We hope you are all well, and tolerating our recent heat wave. We continue to gratefully thank all of you who support the work we are doing together for the children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Our children are doing well and are soon approaching the beginning of another school year. The Mercy for children orphanage hosted a joint summer camp, and they were joined recently by another group of children, for a total of 175! We were busting at the seams as they say! It was a great learning experience for the staff of MFC, and the reports we have received are that our children were particularly well behaved during the camp.
Father Gabriel is continuing to prepare for a mission trip in October. He will be joined by James Studiale, son of Jim and Annie Studiale, who are long range adoptive parents of Mylord Lukamba. James is a recent college graduate and we are very thankful that he will be able to make this trip with Father Gabriel. Please join us in praying for a safe and productive trip.
If you are looking for additional ways to support this mission trip we are still in need of sponsorship of a number of projects we hope to complete this year. We have received partial sponsorships on only a few of these items.
· a soccer field ($2,500)
· establishment of a 5th grade classroom ($2000: desperately needed)
· dining tables ($300/table and 4 chairs)
· bunk beds ($250 each)
· mattresses ($50 each)
· school desks ($80 each)
· mosquito nets ($20 each)
· man-pull chariot for transportation of goods ($150)
· bicycle for alternative transportation ($100)
· gardening tools ($200)
· activity room entertainment center ($220)
· soccer uniforms and shoes
Some items can be purchased here while some others will need to be purchased locally in Congo. The following can be purchased in the U.S., please contact us if you are interested in helping fund these items:
· solar night lights
· sports equipment
Please, help us make all these dreams come true for the kids. If you, someone you know, or perhaps a group you are connected with are interested in helping with any of these items please let us know as soon as possible.
For those of you in the healthcare field, we are also in urgent need of certain medical items. Particularly useful are antibiotics, disinfectants, wound care products, skin care products, and dental hygiene products. If you are able to donate any of these items please contact us and we will coordinate pick up of these supplies.
A part of the long term vision for the orphanage has been a Medical Clinic. As you are all aware, the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo are very poor and medical care is not readily available to most. Health suffers as a result: the average life expectancy is only 45 years, almost 1 out of 100 woman die during childbirth, and 16% of children die before the age of 5 years (compared to 0.8% in the United States ). The children for whom we care must travel great distances for healthcare and it is not always readily available when it is needed. Staying true to our mission of mercy in action we hope to make a difference in the health of the children in the orphanage as well as those in the surrounding villages. We are at the very beginning of the planning stage for the clinic and will provide details in future newsletters. To learn more about the current status of health care in the Democratic Republic of Congo see the World Health Organization site at http://www.who.int/countries/cod/en/ . If you are interested in becoming personally involved in this exciting project email Dr. Matthew Cory at mcorymd@msn.com.
As part of this project we are looking for ways to encourage and support medical education for individuals in DRC who will then work for MFC Medical Clinic. Amazingly, without us really searching, we have already be blessed with a wonderful opportunity. Sister Bernadette Mawaba Mafankolo is a nurse with over 10 years of experience. She has worked as a missionary in a religious life and now living a consecrate life geared toward ministry among the poor. She has been a facilitator and speaker in quite a few training programs, seminars and conferences. She was involved in the historic devastation of Ebola virus in the Congo in the 90's and has traveled to Europe few times for missions. She has recently completed her premedical studies and has graduated at the top of her class. She would like to continue on to medical School and would be able to start classes in November. She hopes to attend school at the University of Lumbashi in South East Congo. She has approached Mercy For Children for sponsorship for her tuition, which is only $3000 for the entire medical school tuition. She would then commit to working at the orphanage. This would be a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in so many ways and take a large step towards establishing a medical clinic at Mercy for Children. We would love to be able to do this. And so, we are looking for one or more interested in helping to sponsor Sister Bernadette's medical school education. If you would be able to do this please contact Dr. Matthew Cory or Fr. Gabriel Ipasu at mercyforchildren@gmail.com or by telephone at (352) 895-2800.
Currently 39 of our 65 children do not have a sponsor parent. One of the biggest challenges we face is meeting the day to day operating costs of running the orphanage. We currently receive slightly less than half of our operating expenses through our regular monthly sponsorship donations. The remainder is covered through one time donations and fundraising events. We pray to be able to find a sponsor for every child in our care and more, which will enable us to offer our special love and mercy to more children in DRC. Sponsors can be individuals, families, groups and even organizations. All it takes is the compassion and desire to make a difference in the life of a child. If you are able to help us in this life changing mission by becoming a regular child sponsor, or your know someone who might consider becoming a sponsor, please email Nancy Cory at nhccpa@msn.com. We will gladly send you information about our various sponsorship options.
Garage sales are being held periodically in St Cloud to benefit Mercy For Children. If you have items that are still in good condition that you would like to donate please contact Margarita Rosada at (407) 343 7889.
We have a new address for correspondence. It is Mercy For Children, Inc. P.O. Box 2124 Lakeland, Florida 33806-2124
Do you have a friend who might be interested in the work we do. Please consider forwarding our newsletters, or emailing them with our website and a brief note. You can be a powerful force in expanding our mission group.
And finally, again, thanks for your prayers, help, suggestions and financial support. We are truly blessed by so many people who embrace our mission of mercy in action.
(This Month Newsletter by Dr. Matthew Cory, Vice-president)
MERCY FOR CHILDREN INC PO BOX 2124 LAKELAND, FL 33806-2124 (352) 895-2800
www.mercyforchildren.org AUGUST 2010
Dear Parents and Friends of Mercy for Children, Inc.:
We hope you are all well, and tolerating our recent heat wave. We continue to gratefully thank all of you who support the work we are doing together for the children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Our children are doing well and are soon approaching the beginning of another school year. The Mercy for children orphanage hosted a joint summer camp, and they were joined recently by another group of children, for a total of 175! We were busting at the seams as they say! It was a great learning experience for the staff of MFC, and the reports we have received are that our children were particularly well behaved during the camp.
Father Gabriel is continuing to prepare for a mission trip in October. He will be joined by James Studiale, son of Jim and Annie Studiale, who are long range adoptive parents of Mylord Lukamba. James is a recent college graduate and we are very thankful that he will be able to make this trip with Father Gabriel. Please join us in praying for a safe and productive trip.
If you are looking for additional ways to support this mission trip we are still in need of sponsorship of a number of projects we hope to complete this year. We have received partial sponsorships on only a few of these items.
· a soccer field ($2,500)
· establishment of a 5th grade classroom ($2000: desperately needed)
· dining tables ($300/table and 4 chairs)
· bunk beds ($250 each)
· mattresses ($50 each)
· school desks ($80 each)
· mosquito nets ($20 each)
· man-pull chariot for transportation of goods ($150)
· bicycle for alternative transportation ($100)
· gardening tools ($200)
· activity room entertainment center ($220)
· soccer uniforms and shoes
Some items can be purchased here while some others will need to be purchased locally in Congo. The following can be purchased in the U.S., please contact us if you are interested in helping fund these items:
· solar night lights
· sports equipment
Please, help us make all these dreams come true for the kids. If you, someone you know, or perhaps a group you are connected with are interested in helping with any of these items please let us know as soon as possible.
For those of you in the healthcare field, we are also in urgent need of certain medical items. Particularly useful are antibiotics, disinfectants, wound care products, skin care products, and dental hygiene products. If you are able to donate any of these items please contact us and we will coordinate pick up of these supplies.
A part of the long term vision for the orphanage has been a Medical Clinic. As you are all aware, the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo are very poor and medical care is not readily available to most. Health suffers as a result: the average life expectancy is only 45 years, almost 1 out of 100 woman die during childbirth, and 16% of children die before the age of 5 years (compared to 0.8% in the United States ). The children for whom we care must travel great distances for healthcare and it is not always readily available when it is needed. Staying true to our mission of mercy in action we hope to make a difference in the health of the children in the orphanage as well as those in the surrounding villages. We are at the very beginning of the planning stage for the clinic and will provide details in future newsletters. To learn more about the current status of health care in the Democratic Republic of Congo see the World Health Organization site at http://www.who.int/countries/cod/en/ . If you are interested in becoming personally involved in this exciting project email Dr. Matthew Cory at mcorymd@msn.com.
As part of this project we are looking for ways to encourage and support medical education for individuals in DRC who will then work for MFC Medical Clinic. Amazingly, without us really searching, we have already be blessed with a wonderful opportunity. Sister Bernadette Mawaba Mafankolo is a nurse with over 10 years of experience. She has worked as a missionary in a religious life and now living a consecrate life geared toward ministry among the poor. She has been a facilitator and speaker in quite a few training programs, seminars and conferences. She was involved in the historic devastation of Ebola virus in the Congo in the 90's and has traveled to Europe few times for missions. She has recently completed her premedical studies and has graduated at the top of her class. She would like to continue on to medical School and would be able to start classes in November. She hopes to attend school at the University of Lumbashi in South East Congo. She has approached Mercy For Children for sponsorship for her tuition, which is only $3000 for the entire medical school tuition. She would then commit to working at the orphanage. This would be a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in so many ways and take a large step towards establishing a medical clinic at Mercy for Children. We would love to be able to do this. And so, we are looking for one or more interested in helping to sponsor Sister Bernadette's medical school education. If you would be able to do this please contact Dr. Matthew Cory or Fr. Gabriel Ipasu at mercyforchildren@gmail.com or by telephone at (352) 895-2800.
Currently 39 of our 65 children do not have a sponsor parent. One of the biggest challenges we face is meeting the day to day operating costs of running the orphanage. We currently receive slightly less than half of our operating expenses through our regular monthly sponsorship donations. The remainder is covered through one time donations and fundraising events. We pray to be able to find a sponsor for every child in our care and more, which will enable us to offer our special love and mercy to more children in DRC. Sponsors can be individuals, families, groups and even organizations. All it takes is the compassion and desire to make a difference in the life of a child. If you are able to help us in this life changing mission by becoming a regular child sponsor, or your know someone who might consider becoming a sponsor, please email Nancy Cory at nhccpa@msn.com. We will gladly send you information about our various sponsorship options.
Garage sales are being held periodically in St Cloud to benefit Mercy For Children. If you have items that are still in good condition that you would like to donate please contact Margarita Rosada at (407) 343 7889.
We have a new address for correspondence. It is Mercy For Children, Inc. P.O. Box 2124 Lakeland, Florida 33806-2124
Do you have a friend who might be interested in the work we do. Please consider forwarding our newsletters, or emailing them with our website and a brief note. You can be a powerful force in expanding our mission group.
And finally, again, thanks for your prayers, help, suggestions and financial support. We are truly blessed by so many people who embrace our mission of mercy in action.
(This Month Newsletter by Dr. Matthew Cory, Vice-president)